John Barclay



The IEPQ site is limited registered teachers and parents while in development so its not accessible to the public. Below are some screenshots to summarize the architecture used. The project is a good example of how Drupal allows content editing to be kept in the hands of experts, common tasks to be achieved without coding, and complex tasks to be coded wth the help of the Drupal framework.


Most of the content of the IEPQ site is driven by Drupal Books. The books module makes it easy to create hierarchical menus and book pages without coding any web forms; the data entry forms are built into the book module. This allowed the Graduate Assistants to enter all the content for both parents and teachers for the major areas of the site: help topics, student scenarios, and ISBE info.

ieps books


The three assistants were custom Drupal modules that allowed teachers to generate academic, functional, and transition goals through "wizards". The assistants are back ended by data on standards for various deficit areas, content areas, and grade levels. This data was edited by GAs through a web interface through Drupal, taking advantage of the Content Creation Kit (CCK module). The CCK allows Drupal developers to generate both the web forms and target database tables without writing any code. A custom module was written to generate a useable index and filter the hundreds of standards and descriptors used.


Admin Forms

Admin forms for editing content, adding users, granting permissions, creating new content types, etc. are built into Drupal. While very customizable and themeable, they look fine out of the box which is usually fine for site admins. I use a completely different theme so admins know when they are in the admin part of the site.



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